Female Orgasm Secrets -- Secret Orgasm Tips Every Man Should Know

By Glenn

As a member of NAMBLA, MENSA, and Move On, I get a lot of strange emails in my inbox. Some of them are asking for money for a renewable energy campaign and others let me known about new state laws barring registered sex offenders from living within 500 miles of a school or dairy farm. This morning I got one that I assumed was from MENSA at first, but upon further inspection might be from Dr. Ruth, William Faulkner, or someone from Denmark (note the email address). I now present to you in unedited form today's female orgasm secret.

From: Outhier [signal@rottmar.de]
Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:22 AM
Subject: Female Orgasm Secrets -- Secret Orgasm Tips Every Man Should Know

Not a spy. And then a sudden determination came almost without trying. He had men

Female Orgasm Secrets -- Secret Orgasm Tips Every Man Should Know

Was upon the latch of this door, a female voice about so that he faced the gate. There, butzow, with the gibbs and as a child she had often stayed he had spent on his father: his thoughts ran constantly for larry. Without discussing which is the sun arrive. Ah! I am through. Is that you, andre? that mrs. Turner gave the invitation, and she to do things in a sensible way. No, indeed they saw her cousin. The first item which she noticed been handed down to you. Your grandfather thought as it likes you to suppose, it will neither be days in church or at the parish house. The cold, quantities of pepper he sprinkled on everything.


  1. please don't post my short stories i email to you in PRIVATE on OYIT.

  2. .de is Germany for Deutschland.

  3. maddie, you should write a book, seriously. poetic, stimulating....my god, i am speechless.

  4. I'm pretty sure this is from MENSA.


no more comments from spam bots. fuck off.

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