Ever since the sleeper success of Napster in the 1990s, downloading music has been, much like apple pie and pizza pie, an American staple. One now has the option to legally download the latest Katy Perry songs via services like iTunes, yet many choose to illegally download songs and albums through shadier means. Is illegally downloading music an ethical dilemma or merely a thrifty way to discover the latest underground bands and indulge in Britney Spears’ classic hits?

Jake: If it were not for the over-availability of music for download, I would not have ever sampled many of the songs of jazz legends or avoided many of Katy Perry’s lesser hits. Thankfully, in the internet age (of which we are currently living), there is a better way to hear new music than on the Dr. Demento radio program. Is it ethical to download music? Well, it would be unethical for me to say it is when I shoplift regularly, How can one say that one form of stealing is wrong, while another is a-okay. All stealing is fine.

Jake: Glenn would rather have us living in some sort of drug-addled capitalist nightmare than to be able to acquire our music for free, digitally. Fact: Glenn has asked me at least 20 times to find albums for him to illegally download. Fact: Glenn has burned more American flags than members of Built to Spill have burned marijuana cigarettes. Is this really the man you want representing you? I have only burned one American flag and openly advocate downloading music. Is it ethical to burn an American flag? Yes, it is the best way to protest anything going wrong in America. It is a metaphor for the way our country is going up in flames due to Tea Party idiots and President Obama bending over backwards to make a deal with conservatives. Steal music, burn a flag, live your life.

Jake: Why bother to illegally download music when I can pay for it? Because it cost a lot of money to purchase an album. I could spend $10 to buy a digital copy of the latest GWAR album or I can illegally download it. Either way, I will never listen to it! If I go the route of illegally downloading it, I can spend that $10 on half a gallon of gas or a small popcorn at a movie theater. While, I would agree that music is more important than popcorn drenched in a butter flavored oil, it is still a necessity and I could not go see any of the eight unforgettable remakes Hollywood releases every weekend. Gas is also a necessity to commute without being a victim of frottage or to make a molotov cocktail, which I can throw through the window of my noisy neighbor’s house.
I learned two things from this post: Terry Brandstad is trying to decriminalize manslaughter, and people regularly come up to Jake and rub their genitals on him when he tries to walk to work! I think the morality of illegal music downloads is the least of your worries!! Great Debate!!!
ReplyDeleteI just read "Terry Brandstad" as "Terry Bradshaw" and was wondering what a football commentator had to do with laws, besides the laws of football, that is.
ReplyDeleteI read this on my Kindle last night and I laughed several times! This is a pretty good debate.
ReplyDeleteIn the dimension from which I come, downloading music is not illegal. Nobody pays for music anymore. Concerts are very expensive, though. It cost me $500 to see The Eagles.
ReplyDeleteObus your dimension is the same as ours in this respect.