Today, President Obama signed historic health care reform legislation but that didn't end the debate about whether this is the right legislation for this great land we pseudo-affectionately call "America." Headlines in all the Monday morning papers that are still solvent celebrated (or at least acknowledged) the vote passing this bill in the House of Representatives but overlooked were the stories - documented here - of vandals throwing bricks through windows of Democratic offices nationwide in protest. Does this signify a grassroots uprising to the new mandate that we all must have health insurance or will this be just another brick in the wall on the road to social progress? Jake and Glenn take a careful, nuanced approach to discussing whether or not this health care bill will kill us all or be our salvation.
Jake: While you're busy applauding this bill like you're at a Toby Keith concert and he just sang that song about murdering Islamic radicals, I'm curled up in a ball and shaking like an epileptic at a 24 hour strobe light retailer in the middle of Iowa. America is headed down the toilet faster than a Ghoulie. All you leftwing rubes think this is the greatest thing since Big Bubba Rogers joined the nWo, but it most certainly is not. I have read this bill, cover-to-cover and then listened to the book on tape just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I didn't. Did you read this bill? I don't think so, kid. You're too busy reading the Bible (a great book, but not as good as my favorite book, this bill). Instead of reading the Bible you should get down on your knees and pray that the passing of this unconstitutional bill, which is going to cost the average American over $4 billion(!!!), was just a horrible nightmare. Then you wake up, wipe the sweat from your brow and praise the lord that every woman in America is not going to be forced to get an abortion.
Jake: This bill is going to poison the upper class more than pharmaceuticals company do to our tap water. You might all be thinking (if you even can think, you liberal idiots!) Jake, you are the poorest person I know and you don't even have health insurance. This is true. Why do I care about the upper class so much? Because I'm not a bigot or a class warrior like Glenn. I'm compassionate toward all human beings, not just the poor ones. What happens to all of the homeless people who can't even afford to buy a bottle of Absolute vodka? Will they be put into a concentration camp because they cannot afford health insurance? I would have to say yes. Is this fair? Heck no! It's not fair that I will have to personally pay out of pocket for every abortion performed from this point forward. It's not fair that I will have to pay for Al Roker's liposuction. It's not fair that I will have to pay for Heidi Montag's transformation into Dr. Frankenstein's monster. If you think this bill is good for America, then you should get ready for a swerve so big that even Vince Russo couldn't have written it for a Monday Night Raw in 1998.
Jake: It's funny that you mention donut holes, because it proves my point-- we're going to be paying (through our ever-inflating taxes) for the treatment of people who are too stupid to eat healthy. I don't want my hard earned money going to treat the heart attack of a Haystacks Calhoun-esque individual. I don't think it's fair to force me to pay for such a thing. We don't make the pacifists pay taxes to fund the bombing of our enemy nations, do we? No. We don't make homosexuals pay taxes because they aren't allowed to get married and therefore cannot receive the much needed tax breaks that come with it. If they don't have to pay taxes than I shouldn't. Wesley Snipes doesn't have to pay taxes! Henry David Thoreau didn't have to pay taxes! Now I don't have to pay taxes! You can take that to the bank, hippies!
If you have a good idea for a debate topic for Glenn and myself, send an email to I will even write you back!
ReplyDeleteI just got a Google Alert saying my name was in this article and lo and behold it is. I almost spit out the entire bucket of chicken that was I was eating due to laughing!
ReplyDeleteThe health scare reform kill is good idea!
ReplyDeleteTHanks for all the nice comments guys, appreciate it. At least two famous people liked this even if nobody else did.
ReplyDeletehaha, oh crypt keeper! gr8 deb8. i laughed out loud at least 5 times.
ReplyDeleteI know that I keep commenting on this, but this is my favorite debate Glenn and I have done so far. It hits every note that I always try to hit with my points (mentioning wrestling, not making much sense) and Glenn plays this so perfectly cool. If I can't write another debate after this it's because I shattered my spine patting myself on the back just like Barry Horrowitz.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to have an abortion a month just so Jake can pay for it, since he never bothered to when I was in high school.
ReplyDeletealthough i never wanted to get an abortion i'm taking the "don't knock it til' you've tried it" approach since it will now be paid for 100%!
ReplyDeleteWe need more Crypt Keeper and we need him NOW. Not one week ago, not yesterday, NOW.