Saved by the Bell Recaps

Here is the (growing) list of Saved by the Bell recaps written by OYIT's Jake.

The Tragic Break-up of Zack and Kelly - chronicling three episodes that comprise the Kelly/Zack/Jeff saga, ending in a double homicide and "Trial of the Century."

The Bayside Gang's First Day of School - chronicling Slater's arrival to Bayside High and the shock waves it sends, specifically through Zack's empty life.

Fatal Distraction - chronicling a rare case when Zack's scam backfires and Kelly kills him for spying on her.

Screech's Woman - chronicling SBTB's first foray into gender and sexual identity issues.

Cream for a Day - chronicling tribalism through high school sports and the quintessentially American search for an "easy solution."

The Gift - chronicling Screech's flirtation with clairvoyance and how it can be manipulated for good or evil ends, loosely based on the Velvet Underground song "The Gift."

Dancing to the Max - chronicling a dance-off held at the Max.

The Lisa Card - chronicling SBTB's second foray into gender issues and Lisa perpetuating the American dream of debt and meaningless consumer products.